eClass Parent App

eClass Parent App Guidelines

Our school uses eClass Parent App to communicate with our parents. Parents can receive notifications, reply to eNotices, students attandances, school calendars. 

Download and install eClass Parent App 

Download eClass Parent App

請掃描 QR Code 下載 eClass Parent App
Please scan the QR code to download
the eClass Parent App.


ePayment (ePayment Notices)​

From August 2024, The school will accept AlipayHK and WeChatPay HK as the ePayment gateway.

1. Using AlipayHK

AlipayHK related information

2.  Using WeChat Pay HK

WeChatPay 使用手冊



Enter Remote lesson

When there's a need to carry out online lesson. The school will use Google Classroom to conduct the lessons. More Details...